During the process of the boiler installation, we did a lot to ensure good quality service. We used our truck to bring the boiler over to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church where we also had a crane set up. We had the boiler hooked up to the crane with hooks and ropes on each side. This made sure the boiler was properly and safely secured for installation. Following OSHA guidelines we hoisted the boiler up off of the truck we had it on and we brought it over closer to the back entry of the church of which we were going to set it. We hoisted it up a second time and the crane lowered it into the lower level of the church. Then we helped guide it down safely into the church, and once it was softly placed on the ground we set it in the correct place it needed to go. It was a quick and easy task for us, and we made sure it was safely secured and that the customer was satisfied at the end of our visit.